InterAction cross-cutting pledge to advance climate action

As a large network organization, InterAction advocates for improvements across a broad range of policy areas. Advocacy areas include reforms to improve how the humanitarian and refugee systems respond to displaced people and targeting climate finance toward the most vulnerable. InterAction is also an information and learning resource for actors in the sector on approaches to housing land and property rights, and shelter and settlements programming. InterAction aims to address climate change across its portfolio. InterAction Pledges to:
Host one roundtable on climate and Housing, Land, and Property rights for InterAction Members and partners in the first year.
Support partners Impact Initiative and Catholic Relief Services, in development of an environment addendum to the Settlements Approach Guidance Note and research for Global Shelter Cluster on how Settlements Approach can be used to address climate impacts.
Promote and disseminate Settlements Approach online training to InterAction Members and partners.
Host at least one webinar in the first year in collaboration with Urban Settlements Working Group co-chairs focusing on Settlements Approach application in displacement, refugee, and mixed movements contexts.
Create new opportunities to educate our members within the forced displacement community about the tools and resources available through InterAction’s work.
Facilitate biannual events for InterAction members to share best practices for integrating/ mainstreaming climate change considerations in cross-sectoral projects and programs, with particular focus on locally-led, gender-and conflict- sensitive approaches.
Advocate for robust and consistent international climate finance from the U.S. government, Multilateral Development Banks, and other donors, particularly focused on climate adaptation and resilience needs for countries most vulnerable to climate change impacts and in those that are fragile and/or conflict affected.
Advocate for the funding and operationalizing of the new Loss and Damage Facility in order to avert, minimize and address climate-induced loss and damage.
Advocate with members and external partners for the inclusion of displaced populations in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and other climate action policies and plans.
Using InterAction’s existing advocacy tracking tools, facilitate tracking of member advocacy on issues related to situations of climate-induced forced displacement.